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Coupon saving happy mother and wife. My blog with help with tips, show my various shopping trips and pretty much rant and rave about anyhting I want..

Friday, September 30, 2011

What does that mean????

I am sure you have been on sites, blog, etc and wonder  ,  what the heck is that mean???

Here are some coupon abbreviations

SS—Smartsource, RP—RedPlum, P&G—Proctor & Gamble, GM—General Mills, ECB—extra bucks  WYB—When you buy
Q - Coupon, Stack - Manufacturer Coupon and Store Coupon,  RR - Register Rewards,  OOP - Out of Pocket, Catalina are the coupons from the register.

Jewel Shopping Trip 9/29

$39.69 OOP
Awesome Trip yesterday at Jewel, based on a 6.00 off 60.00 coupon , I found at self checkout last week.. Happy Dance. Wanted to stay at 60.00(before coupons)  but found other deals that were awesome.
starting for left to right .*

Sales end Wednesday for these products (unless clearance)
Riceland Rice 16 oz  .99  - .50  riceland Q
Ragu 24oz  2 for $3.00 - 1.00 sales paper Q
Jimmy Deans Hot Sausage Crumbles clearance 2.49 - .75 Q
Activ1a Selections 3 for 1.00 each - 1.00 off 3 Q
V8 Splash  64oz 2.50 - 1.00 Catalina Q
Smart Balance 15oz spread 1.50 - .50 Q
Bottom Round Roast  13.72 Free with in store BOGO Q
Sirloin Tip Roast 15.09 paid full
Doritos .50 single (no Q daughter asked for them KIDS)
Perdue Chicken Breast 6.39 paid full
Perdue Chicken Breast 6.25 Free with in store BOGO Q
Motts Apple Juice 64oz 2.29 - 1.50 Catalina Q
Nutty Bars 1.79( No Q hubby had a craving Oh me Oh my!)
Fanta 20oz 1.59 ( No Q son was thirsty in store see its empty LOL)
Budding 2oz . 4 at .59 each  -  2* .55 WYB2
Catfish Nuggets 2 packs marked down to 2.41 and 2.11
Scrubbing Bubbles 1step starter kit( love this deal CHA CHING)  2 of them for  FREE...  Self had a price of 3.49 I took a pic with my phone, cause I knew it would ring up wrong.  sales paper had it for 8.99 . Sure enough they rang up 8.99 , I informed the cashier showed her my pic after a little back and forth ( nothing rude she was nice and helpful) she checked the self and BAM got one for free automatically because the self was wrong :).  It would have been free anyway, because I had 2 4.00 off coupons..   She had to lower the value for the other.  

Totally savings of $45.85

See savings without the Extreme.. All items my family needed
*I cant tell you which insert I clipped it from since I clip everything now.

Up and Running...

Well. the design and set up is still in progress . Who knew it would be that complicated to start a blog.

Welcome one and all to Nikkochic Savings.  I do not claim to be a professional coupon shopper or teach courses.  But I can help with tips , show you my shopping trips and how they came to be.   Provide you with links , new clearance I came across and whatever I find to be an interesting savings.

I must admit I started my coupon craze(some say addiction) when I watched Extreme Couponers .. I sat there and said " I can do that, just not that extreme."    Now I have a mini stock pile for my household and my parents household.  Pic of my trunk to come soon.
Basic rules to start:

Subscribe to the Sunday paper (home deliveries receive all inserts first)
Saturday Red Eye was being delivered for free recently but they stop producing the Saturday edition, however they are claiming to still deliver the inserts. I get them sometimes.   Free
Hoy Weekend Edition also has inserts(sat. delivery) Free
Raza Friday edition (in newspaper stands) Free
Chicago Defender (every Wednesday) .50
Sun-Times (Friday) .75.
* Please note that only the Sunday paper has the full inserts all others are majority of the time partial. 
I personally will pick up any of the above(not the Sunday paper) whenever I come across them. why waste them LOL

Binder (I started with 3 inch binder, however have moved up to a old trapper keeper my son no longer uses)
Business card or trading card protectors(found at any office supply store)
I tried various tactics but find the above protectors to work the best.

Carry the coupon policies for the reg. stores you shop, you will be amazed how many cashier/associates are not trained correctly.

BIGGEST Rule don't be ashamed to pay with a pile of coupons , just think of all the extra items you can afford with your savings.  

 . More to come soon.   Hope you enjoy the ride.